We sat down and jumped right into the interview. I have to admit, I was impressed by this man. He knew so much about this company, he was doing an overkill on my brain with useless facts. I just continued to nod, smile and occasionally play ball with the conversation pushing some phoney signs of interest. He tells me this company is so good to its employees that if they ever wanted to leave, they would not be allowed to return. Pretty wild huh? A job that even if you give a two week, you cant come back?
He then floors me with a statement so bold, only he could get away with it pre-hire. He tells me the majority of employees are women and gay men, and he's the reason for that. At this point, I'm a little confused as to why I'm being interviewed. He takes me to an upstairs call center where he introduces me to a whole world of beautiful women. There were 2 gay men to every 10 gorgeous girls, I'm starting to see he was serious. He sits me with a girl, tells me to feel out the job duties, and he'll be back to see how I feel about the job.
I sat there for about 20 minutes with this girl. The whole time she was telling me he wasn't going to hire me. She told me men don't hire men. Is that true? Now I consider myself a very attractive man, is this working to my disadvantage? He comes back and we go back downstairs to continue the interview. This time he seems very short with me and is anxious for me to leave. I make sure to hit him with some beautiful interview tactics before I leave. I walk out thinking in my head that I got the job. I felt great, nothing but good vibes.
The young woman from HR I was initially going back and forth with calls me the next day and leaves a message. In the message she said he felt I wasn't focused, and not a good fit. Now I'm not saying all men who interview other men are going to screw them, but that wasn't the last time I've heard of an incident like this.
A couple months later a buddy of mine went through a very similar situation. He was interviewed by a man who told him about all the busty girls he's been hiring. No this wasn't for Hooters, but it should of been. Turns out, he tells my friend he just brought him in to make it look like he's interviewing men. A little messed up right? Well he did offer him lunch for his trouble.
I wonder how many other men out there are having the same issues. I've passed every interview I've ever been to, except the handful of men I've interviewed with.
The hens are clucking for change sir.