Personally, I would never quit a job without another one lined up. I would strongly suggest you do the same, especially if you have a family involved. Unfortunately sometimes you have to do what you have to do. If you are serious about leaving a job without another one lined up, then this is for you. Here are 5 quick things to do before you quit your job. Consider them essential if you want to keep regrets to a minimal.
5. Have At Least 3 Months Of Income Saved - Ouch! Are you kidding me? I can't even save coupons for groceries, let alone that kind of money. Well, the average person spends 100 days unemployed when in between jobs. Having this cushion to fall back on is a must in this economy. Consider this before you consider quitting your job.
4. Having a Plan Of Action - What do you want? Most people can't answer that question, I'm serious! If a genie asked you "What do you want?", you would freeze up and tell him you'll get back to him. Knowing what you want is a huge step in finding happiness! You can't blame your job if you were the one who applied for that position. I used to hate working customer service jobs. The call centers, the phones, the angry customers, escalations, anchored to a cubicle for 8 hours a day, all while being micro-managed by some twit.
Once you've conquered yourself in knowing what you want, you can mold your resume to fit that position, and aim for those types of jobs.
3. Run The Well Dry - Are you leaving a job with benefits? Take advantage before you leave! Get all your doctor visits/dentist visits in while you still can. Paid time off? Sick days? Vacation? TAKE THEM! You've earned them, you deserve them. For the record, no one has been fired for taking their vacation/paid off time. If you are fired, you can always get unemployment. At my previous jobs everyone was so worried about when someone else was taking off work. When someone would return from a vacation or a couple days off, people would try to make them feel guilty. Don't allow others to stop you from being happy. You were made to have an amazing life, you can do whatever you wish! Run the well dry baby!
2. Always Give 2 Weeks Notice - It happens to the best of us, quitting a job you end up going back to. If you can't find another job in a reasonable amount of time, consider going back. Getting on your feet and trying again is something winners do when they lose. Giving a two weeks notice will give you another way out if you find yourself in real trouble. Keep your departure as quiet and respectable as you can. If anyone ask if you've found another job, tell them you were presented an opportunity and keep it at that. Doing this will not only give you a good reference, but may open another door in the company so you won't have to leave after all. Communication is key.
1. Register With A Job Agency - Yes, two heads are better than one. When a job agency places someone, they get paid. That's right, someone finds you a job and you don't have to pay them. Registering with a job agency is the smartest thing to do when you are out of work. Not only do they have a list of jobs ready to go, they will work with you in finding a perfect fit for you. Think about it, if you start a job they've placed you at and you end up leaving, they lose credibility with that employer. The last thing they would do is place you in something you hate. Be open with the recruiter, let them know what you are really looking for. If they offer you a job and you don't like it, kindly decline the offer. They will continue to look for you until they've found your perfect fit.
Most agencies have different branches in different locations that work together. So if the branch you've registered with isn't giving you the results you're looking for, you can always call another branch. Having someone else help you look for a job will not only take that load off your back, but boost your confidence in finding something better. Remember, you were meant to have an amazing life! No one wants to be stuck at a job they hate. Good luck!