5. Your High School Education - Unless high school was as far as you went, skip mentioning it and list your college coursework. Listing your high school when you have a college education is obvious fluff. You might as well list your Jr. high and elementary while you're at it.
4. Family / Friend References - Some employers ask for these kinds of references, but it's best to stick to professional contact. Listing your uncle Bob or cousin Sue looks sloppy with no effort behind it. There is no mystery what your family members will say about you.
3. Resume In First Person - Avoid using "I" or "Me" when creating a resume. The interviewer could care less about you personally, they only need to know if you'd be a good fit for the position. You need to make sure your describing the person that you are. Your accomplishments are the star of the show, not you.
2. Having No Connection To The Job Your Applying For - If you are going from a job say at a coffee shop to a customer service call center job, what would you want to stand out? How about the fact you answered the phone every once in a while? If you're not molding your resume to the jobs you are applying for, you'll never get the job.
1. Formatting / Font - I can't stress enough how important it is to keep a resume simple. A default font is the only acceptable option. I've actually had people give me resumes in cartoon font, robotic/futuristic font, graffiti font, and movie title fonts. I've came across resumes that look like they've been Photoshopped, printed on the finest of paper, from the finest of trees, with the most beautiful pieces of art as the backdrop.
Unfortunately for you all the time spent on your project has earned you an early trash can visit. Trying to switch up the basic ingredients to a resume just to be "unique", is not productive at all. The only thing it shows me is you have too much time on your hands. The last thing I need is to hire someone who is going to spend more time decorating their desk than doing their job.